Following the fermentation at a controlled temperature, the wine is aged for six months in American oak barrels and around two years in bottle. 发酵结束后在美国橡木桶中陈酿6个月之后再在瓶中置放2年。
The fermentation is done under controlled temperature in order to preserve the flavors and the softness of tannins. 在控制温度下,通过发酵试验,以维持酒香味和单宁的柔顺度。
An apparatus for maintaining an infant, especially a premature infant, in an environment of controlled temperature, humidity, and oxygen concentration. 早产婴儿保育箱一种保育婴儿的器具,尤指对早产婴儿,其温度、湿度与集中供氧都得到控制。
These principles include controlled temperature and humidity, limited traffic, ventilation requirements, and mechanisms that ensure that the environment remains as clean and dust-free as possible. 这些原则包括:受控的温度和湿度、受限的交通、通风及确保环境尽可能一尘不染的机制。
Research on the water retention characteristic and prediction of compacted bentonite under controlled temperature 温控下高压实膨润土持水特性及预测研究
The rationality of the salt expansion equation was confirmed by the test system of soil under controlled temperature. 利用自行研制的恒温冷浴土壤试验系统验证了关系式的合理性。
The setting value, detecting range and controlling accuracy of the controlled temperature can be changed by adjusting parameters of the software. 通过调整单板机软件,可以改变控制温度的整定值,检测范围和控制精度。
Elimination of Scabs on Oil Pipe Surface by Controlled Temperature Rolling Process 采用控温轧制根除油管表面结疤的研究
The bonding between steel and diamond was performed by induction brazing under controlled temperature and time. The filled intermediate layer materials are reactive metal Cr powder and Ag-Cu alloy foil. 利用高频感应钎焊的方法,以Ag-Cu合金和Cr粉为钎料,在一定的钎焊工艺条件下进行了实验研究,实现了金刚石与钢基体间的牢固化学冶金结合。
By the analyses of measured and calculated results, the method of calculation of the controlled temperature load and corresponding stress for a prestressed concrete box girder has been found. 通过大量试验观测资料分析和理论研究,建立了预应力混凝土箱梁的控制温度荷载与相应的温度应力计算方法。
The bonding between chemical vapor deposition ( CVD) thick films diamond and cemented carbide was performed by diffusion brazing under controlled temperature, pressure and time. The filled intermediate layer materials are reactive metal Ti foil and Ag-Cu alloy foil. 采用扩散焊与钎焊相结合的方法,用Ti箔和Ag-Cu箔共同做中间层材料,在一定的温度、压力和保温时间下,实现了气相沉积金刚石厚膜与硬质合金间的牢固连接。
An Experiment on the Effect of Basement Controlled Temperature on the Mouse's Reproduction 地下室温度对小鼠生殖效应影响的试验
Analysis is made of calcination of dolomite under controlled temperature, reaction mechanism, micro-structure, and water resistance of magnesium chloride oxide cement. Shotcreting test of this cement is also made at the site. 对白云石控温煅烧、氯氧镁水泥反应机理、微观结构、抗水性等方面进行了分析研究,并进行了该水泥喷射混凝土的现场试验。
At room temperature 20-22 ° C, the test preparation process must be controlled temperature, speed control, velocity control and the five washer process should make note that the actual operation would greatly improve the accuracy of detection. 在室温20-22℃条件下,试验制备过程中必须做到控温度、控转速、控流速及洗板过程中应注意事项,这样可大大提高在实际操作过程中检测的准确性。
The use of self-tuning PID with computer in controlled temperature 自校正PID在炉温控制中的应用
Studies on the attachment and metamorphosis of bay scallop Argopecten irradians ( Lamarck) in controlled temperature and salinity have been conducted, from which, six points of conclusion are reported. 本文研究了在室内控制温度和盐度的条件下,海湾扇贝幼虫附着与变态的适宜范围和最适范围;
The curve of controlled temperature and the rate of rising or falling of temperature may be arbitrarily set up or adjust, and it has a good ability of robust. 该系统可任意设定、修改控温曲线和升降速率,有较强的鲁棒性。
Dynamic Change of Chalkiness and Observation of Grain Endosperm Structure with Scanning Electron Microscope under Controlled Temperature Condition 人工控温条件下稻米垩白形成变化及胚乳扫描结构观察
Studies on the PS ⅱ'function of "Hokkaido Boxtree" cutting leaves have been conducted under the controlled temperature. 人工控温对北海道黄杨扦插苗叶片光系统Ⅱ的功能进行研究。
Application of a Intellect Controlled Temperature Apparatus in Aluminum Electrolysis Heat Preservation Oven 智能温度控制仪在铝电解铸造保温炉上的应用
For the fast determination of sulphur forms and quantities in coal, a program controlled temperature increasing combustion technique was used to characterize rapidly sulphur distribution in coal using the thermogravimetry/ differential thermal analysis ( TG/ DTA) combined with sulphur analyzer. 根据煤中不同结构的硫在一定燃烧条件下的析出规律的差别,采用差热天平和定硫仪结合的方法,程序控制温度升高确定了煤中硫的组成和数量。
Digital controlled Temperature Circuit 数字式温度控制电路
Wind cooling accelerated elimination of heat dissipation, and controlled temperature which made welding transverse contraction deformation and the residual stresses decrease. 气冷的方法,可以使试样散热更快,达到控制温度的目的,同时也可以减小焊接残余应力和焊接横向收缩变形。
Taking vertical dome tank as an example, the calculation formula for insulation thickness of oil tank are given based on controlled temperature drop and duration. 以立式拱顶储罐为例,根据限定的温降值和限定的温降时间,建立了确定储油容器保温层厚度的计算公式。
The temperature control system that designed according to integral separate PID control system is discussed in this paper. The precision of controlled temperature is 0C, the response characteristic of the system with PID control system is better than that of the system without PID control system. 利用积分分离式PID控制原理设计了温度控制系统,控制精度达到±0.1℃,与普通PID控制器相比,极大的提高了系统的瞬态特性。
The range of the controlled temperature is about 0 ℃-1000 ℃, and the controlling accuracy is ± 1 ℃. 其温度控制范围为0℃~1000℃,控制精度为±1℃。
The method has such advantages as short reaction time, easy controlled temperature, simple operation and less pollution, etc.2. 该方法反应时间短、温度易控、操作简便、污染少等特点,是一个值得推广的绿色合成方法。
Among the parameters impacted actions ( such as: temperature, pressure, flux, velocity and so on), controlled temperature predominate in all kind of infective variety. 这些影响反应的参数(如温度、压力、流量、速度等),在这其中影响变化是对温度的控制。